Updating Directory Information
How do I update my directory listing?
For changes to any of your Rice directory information, please contact your school or department iO HCM Initiator or Admin Specialist.How do I add or remove my phone number from the Rice Directory?
Please contact Human Resources at people@rice.edu.
How can I make an update or correction to a Group Directory listing?
Please contact the person listed under the "Updates and Corrections" link below each group listing. These faculty and staff members have access to update these entries.
How can I add a Group Directory listing for my Group, Department, Center, or Institute
Please email Help Desk at helpdesk@rice.edu to get a listing for your organization.How do I include my web site in the search results or update my search results for new content?
Rice University's web search service uses the Yahoo! and Bing web indices as the primary source for web results via Yahoo! BOSS and the Bing API. Therefore, adding or updating sites with these search engines will correct issues in the Rice search application. Yahoo! provides the Site Explorer tool for keeping your web content up-to-date and Bing provides similar Webmaster Tools.
If your web site's URL does not include "rice.edu" and no pages from your site appear in the search results, we may need to add your domain to the list of hostnames included in the search. If you believe that this is the case, please email webservices@rice.edu for more information.How do I get my web site removed from the search results?
The best way to remove your website from search engines, including the Rice search service, is to use the robots.txt protocol. However, if you need to remove specific content from the index urgently, the Yahoo! Site Explorer tool provides a means to quickly delete content from the index.My website should be ranked higher in the results!
If you believe that your website should rank better than it does in search listings, or you would like to improve your rankings in search engines, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques may help you improve your site. Microsoft Bing provides some basic information here about SEO methods.
If you represent an official Rice organization and would like to make your pages more accessible to users, please see the section below regarding Recommended Results.How do I add a "Recommended" result for my campus organization or event?
Recommended results are maintained by Web Services. Please contact webservices@rice.edu for more information.